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Caniggia In Dundee Jersey

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   Photo Album | My Journey

Foto-foto yang aku ambil dalam perjalalanku ke Swedia dan waktu aku kembali lagi ke Indonesia. Ada foto Changi Airport Singapura, Istanbul Airport Turki, sekitar hotel tempat aku menginap di Istanbul, dan foto yang aku ambil waktu akan mendarat di bandara Changi.

Pictures I took during my journey to Sweden and my journet back to Indonesia. There are photos of Changi Airport Singapore, Ataturk Istanbul Airport, Turkey, around the hotel where I was staying in Istanbul, and photos I took just before the plane landed at Changi Airport. By the way, is it allowed? Who cares! :P

journey01.jpg journey02.jpg journey03.jpg journey04.jpg journey05.jpg
Ataturk Istanbul Airport Singapore from bird's eyes view
journey06.jpg journey07.jpg journey08.jpg journey09.jpg journey10.jpg
Changi Airport Singapore
journey11.jpg journey12.jpg journey13.jpg journey14.jpg journey15.jpg
journey16.jpg journey17.jpg journey18.jpg

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© 2003.  Written and Created by Dina Dasacandra.